Expoagro 2025About the German Pavilion German Agricultural Society - DLG e.V.

In cooperation with

German Agricultural Society - DLG e.V.

The German Agricultural Society (‘DLG', Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) is one of Europe's leading membership bodies in the international food and agricultural sectors. It was founded by the engineer and author Max Eyth in the year 1885.Today DLG has about 23,000 individual and corporate members. Both politically and financially independent, the DLG facilitates the exchange of knowledge and expertise between international practioners, key industry figures, researchers and other specialist organisations worldwide. The DLG membership base comprises farmers, consultants, professionals and experts from all corners of the agricultural and food world.

The DLG employs 200 full-time staff and can enlist the support of a further 3,000 voluntary experts to collaborate on developing solutions for the various challenges facing the sector. A number of committees, work groups and commissions form the foundation for supporting expertise and continuity in specialist technical work. DLG carries out quality contests for food and food products and conducts performance tests of agricultural machinery and implements. Furthermore DLG organizes internationally renowned specialist exhibitions.  

Having marked countless milestones in the development of the industry, these exhibitions have grown to represent leading platforms for the introduction of cuttingedge products and services, as well as for encouraging professional discussion of the latest agricultural and food industry methods and trends.

For more information please visit our webpage www.DLG.org.

German Agricultural Society
Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft DLG e.V.
Eschborner Landstr. 122
60489 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 6924788-0
Fax: +49 6924788-110
E-mail: info@dlg.org
Internet: www.dlg.org

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