Expositores Bag Budissa Agroservice GmbH

Bag Budissa Agroservice GmbH

Número de stand: 467/6

Acerca de nosotros

BUDISSA BAG stands for a company that is rooted in the region and operates worldwide. We are a subsidiary of Budissa AG. For over 25 years, we have been THE specialist for the storage and preservation of animal feed and bulk goods in plastic bags. Our proximity to our customers is the driving force behind the constant further development of food conservation in plastic bags technology and our extensive product range. Flexibility, speed and quality are our strengths. Since the company was founded, the close connection between science and practice has been our guiding principle. A wide range of scientific studies in many practical companies has accompanied the establishment of food conservation in plastic bags in Europe and worldwide and has driven the development of this technology.


Bag Budissa Agroservice GmbH
Birnenallee 10
02694 Malschwitz

Teléfono:  +49 359 3235630

Productos y servicios


We help you to preserve and store feed and grain with the most modern silage bag technology and BUDISSA BAGGER ® made in Germany. Feed conservation in plastic bags - for ensiling all kinds of feedstuff like grass, alfalfa, sugar beet pulp and many more. Grain storage - for storing of human and feeding grain, corn and other bulk materials (fertilizer, pellets, salt) Brewer's grains and by-products - for brewers grain, wet & bulk materials. Wet grain conservation - for milling and grinding dry & wet grain, corn, peas, canola seed whole beet and potatoes - for composting & storing whole sugar beets and potatoes.

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